Monday, February 24, 2014

It's a Lie!

I mentioned in my previous entry that I will be studying for a group exercise certification through NETA (National Exercise Trainers Association). 

Well, I have embarked on my studying program for this adventure.

I'm on day two of my studies, and I'm so inspired by what I'm learning. The bulk of what I'm studying right now is behavior, and how it can be very difficult to change behavior (really?! You don't say!). But it goes on to discuss what motivates most people to exercise, and why they often give up. 

Extrinsic and intrinsic motivations. That is what resonates so deeply for me right now in this first section of study. Extrinsic motivation is just how it sounds, external motivations. A prize, a number on the scale, etc. 

Intrinsic motivation comes from within. Finding something you truly enjoy doing. Exercising for the pleasure of it. Increased confidence.

And that's when it really clicked for me. The reason I have been so extremely passionate and willing to get up at 5 am to work out, and work out for 2 hours or more per day and endure sore muscles, packing ice on myself, but stay committed, is because I found my own deeply intrinsic motivation! The determination that I -will- be strong enough to accomplish feats of strength that I have only dreamed of, that I -will- be able to climb a pole, hang free, hold my own body weight for a length of time, and be generally overall powerful and strong. The beauty and grace of all of it is so immensely inspiring to me, that it has the power to make me cry. I like a lot of different activities. Pole, I -love-.

There is a saying that if you have a strong enough "why?" you can conquer any "how?" It's true. I have pushed through many days when I wanted to stay in bed or skip that day. But the vision hung in my head of what I was giving up if I did those things, so, the vision, passion and desire won out.

The study chapter concluded by discussing how extrinsic motivation produces, in most cases, failure. But I was already there. I already innately understood this. Once I read about what intrinsic motivation is, I knew that extrinsic is usually short-term! Physical appearance? Extrinsic. Prize at the office for most weight lost? Extrinsic. Congratulations from family and friends or to impress someone? Extrinsic.

We each need to find what intrinsically motivates us. What is an activity we love that we can get really excited about and have fun doing? Maybe it's kickboxing. Maybe it's dance. Maybe it's outdoor activities. Maybe it's challenging ourselves through 5Ks and marathons. 

Find what does it for you. Once you do, embrace the happiness and fulfillment it brings you and run with it at full speed. Now that I've started pole, that's it. I can't imagine life without it. Because I am so passionately in love with it, I choose to be somewhat indifferent to the ignorance surrounding the stigma of it. Not everyone is going to understand it, get it, support it, or be open whatsoever to what pole -actually- is, means, or accomplishes in my life and other people's lives. But uninformed opinions and thoughts have nothing to do with me, and certainly aren't going to stop the happiness, passion and connection to myself and emotional healing that I have realized through pole.

I love sharing things that I learn with others, and encouraging anyone who is willing to listen, and I love listening to it! I am a huge fan of knowledge. You really could call me a knowledge junkie. If I could go to school for the rest of my life, I would! 

I'll wrap this up by reminding myself and all of you that fear is a lie. Insecurity is a lie. Defeat is a lie. If you are allowing fear to stop you from doing what you really want, smash it down. Think of who you will be and what will be accomplished by you when you come out the other side of completing what you are afraid of. A very passionate and loving woman reminded me this week that fear is a lie!!! I needed to hear it.

We only get one life! Choose to live fearlessly!

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