Tuesday, August 5, 2014

What's the Point?

  Rather than discuss how long it's been since I've posted and blah blah, I'll cut right to the chase.

  I want to talk about optimism, and about the annoyingness that is negativity and criticism.

  I've been learning a lot about this topic since I began passionately and intensely educating myself on how success is achieved. I have been reading everything I can get my hands on that successful people have written. Listening to audiobooks. My mini van has become, as Brian Tracy puts it, a traveling classroom. I have been seeking to surround myself with positive people who have a positive outlook on life, dreams, and success. And as I learn more and more about all of this, something is coming more and more sharply into focus that is kind of fraying my nerves...

  There are a lot of negative thinking people in this world. A lot. Way too many. Like, it's pretty much angering.

  You know what I'm talking about. "Now, calm down there. Don't get too excited. That is probably not going to happen." "I'll believe it when I see it." "Wait, now you're talking about things that cost a lot of money." "Oh! The smart thing to do would be to..." "I don't see how that would work." "Most people don't really accomplish that." "If you ever make six figures per year, I'm coming to live with you." Um, no, you're not. Because it's so draining and ridiculous to spend so much time with someone who has no ambition or excitement for life.

  I feel like what these people are actually saying is, "What?? Don't show me up and do great things. I'm too afraid of failure to try anything, so of course I'm going to try rubbing my pessimistic nonsense onto you." Yeah, it's really dumb.

  And the people who just can't resist to comment negatively on really ANYTHING that seems easy going and carefree. Casting doubtful glances. Making rude or just plain negative comments, for whatever reason I could only guess because I can't get inside their small mind to view their thoughts.

  The one thing these people have in common? None of them are successful beyond average or mediocre. Hmmm. I wonder why that could be.

  Yeah, I know this is harsh and blunt. But I'd like to meet the overwhelming negativity of this world with an equally blunt dose of optimism and hope.

  Yes, you CAN be and do whatever the heck you want. Fight for it and work hard. Yes, you can accomplish the outrageous and do what you love, if you are willing to commit and sacrifice. No one could ever accuse a successful person of being practical.

  Anyway, I get it. I used to think life just happens to us and we can do little to control it. The fact is though, that we can happen to IT. Yes, I'm the girl who gets passionate and enthusiastic about new things. I can be kinda loud, too. Well, I embrace all of that. It's a gift. Thank God for it.

  Let's take things the extra mile past the happy idea of "Life can be what you want it to be..." and actually work toward that! Watch and listen as people will try to trip you up with discouraging and "realistic" comments, while they believe the lie that they are actually trying to "help" you.

  I think big, dream big, and hope big. What is the point of life otherwise? I want to really live, and not merely exist. I don't want to think small. I want to think huge. I don't want to absorb negative noise, I want to absorb all things lush and full of grand crazy notions. Do I have my bad moments? Heck yeah. Overall, however, I choose upward and onward. I choose faith, moving mountains, and thinking that accomplishes the impossible.

  I suppose I'm writing this because the culmination of becoming successful and growing has come to a head. All the subversive jabs and blatant mocking tossed my way have started to irritate me. Really irritate me. Writing about it is therapeutic! I've come to the crossroads where I need to start bringing the axe down. I really need to surround myself with positive people who look for how's instead of can'ts. People who look for the good instead of the bad. Call me Pollyanna.






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