I've been listening to a book that discusses this topic at some points, and while I used to think that this term is a silly way to psychoanalyze, I can hardly believe that as the author explained what it is, I had a complete "ah-ha" moment and realized that self-sabotaging is probably most of the reason I haven't achieved half of what I want at this point in myself. Although, I am fairly ambitious so maybe I want to achieve more than the average bear.
Thomas Edison stated, "If we all did what we are capable of, we would astound ourselves."
Think about it. How many times have we intended to do something, but didn't actually do it because we were lazy, or just plain afraid? Those voices in our head say either "Meh, that's too much work anyway," or, "Do you really believe you can actually DO that? Hmmm..." or, "You'll fail. Then what? You'll look stupid."
Well gosh I mean, if that's how Thomas Edison lived his life, would we have the light bulb today? If that's how Henry Ford thought, would we have automobiles to drive? What about the Wright brothers? What about Walt Disney? What about Marshall Fields?
I can say that I have self-sabotaged myself throughout life, either due to lack of clear goals and direction, or as a result of not believing in myself. I have believed, for a very long time, and at times without realizing it, that I am not good enough. Yep. I'm not pretty enough, not attractive enough, and I have beaten myself down into the dirt with the measuring stick of comparison. Why can't I just be prettier, thinner, more skilled at this or that, more successful, more accomplished, and the list goes on. Therefore, due to my lack of belief in these areas, I STAY in those beliefs. Don't get me wrong, I'm improving day by day. But it is a daily battle.
The fact is I can be whatever I want to be. I can do whatever I want to do. That sounds vast, but for the sake of summation, I'll just put it that way. It's true.
I overeat due to the desire to escape and numb pain, like a druggie would inject heroin. Okay, there's nothing wrong with loving to eat yummy food! BUT, there's a point where you have to say okay, that sixth donut is enough. I've had enough cake. I've had enough crackers. I'm not just enjoying a small treat at this point, I'm damaging my life. I don't want to do that anymore! While I don't believe there's a place we "arrive" to overcome our issues, I do believe we can triumph greatly over them and continue to heal and move forward.
Something else I'm learning is to actually envision myself in the place I want to be. Do I want to earn a trip through my business? I picture myself on the beaches of Bali. Do I want to lose 50 pounds? I picture myself rocking pole. When we desire something so badly, and we visualize ourselves doing it, it is far more likely to be obtained.
Don't ever stop believing in yourself. The only times anyone thinks your dreams are silly or ridiculous is because they are afraid to dream, themselves.
From this day forward, I will be zoning in on self-sabotaging, every day. When I crave sugar, I'll remind myself that poisoning my body isn't getting me where I want to be. When I don't want to get on the treadmill, I'll remind myself that's the most important time to do it.
Stop sabotaging yourself!
You are capable of SO MUCH that you can astound yourself.
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