Thursday, September 19, 2013

Confessions of a Food Addict

  As I mentioned previously, I have a seriously unhealthy and emotionally draining relationship with food. It's a destructive relationship. A relationship that I have been trying to get out of for years now. 

  However, how does one get out of a relationship with something that they need to continue living? So tricksy! .

  I hear other folks who have struggled with food addiction talk as though they are BAM! healed or, BAM! "delivered" from it. "I don't even see food the same way anymore!" as though they are forever cured just like that, through some magic form of prayer, epiphanies, and spirituality. 

  Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm not buying it.
  Isn't it true that, with any addiction, we are fighting it until the day we die? An ex-alcoholic will always be a recovering alcoholic. An ex-druggie will always be a recovering drug addict. 
  I just listened the other day to Jillian Michaels discuss how she will forever be a recovering food addict until the day she dies. I thought "Amen! Thanks, Jillian! There is no magic method. Way to be honest." 
  There's also the fact that I am an ex-smoker. I've been quit over a year, and there are STILL days when I crave a puff! I am an addict, of some form or another. My addiction has manifested itself through cigarettes, and now mainly through food. 

  For those of you without addictions, nope, you don't know what you're talking about until you've gone through it. So just shush.     Ah, ah... shhh.  Trust me. You don't have a clue.

  I've been in a very tiring process as I strengthen my back. It's so difficult. Like, ridiculously. I have to do tedious exercises on the floor, and hate doesn't begin to describe how I feel about floor work. The -really- stressful and tough part is, my chiropractor won't allow me to do any strengthening exercises other than the ones he's prescribed for my back. Which I didn't listen to previously, which would explain why months later I'm STILL going through this process. I need to be happy though, that he told me I'm becoming more difficult to adjust, therefore my exercises are paying off! Yay!

  I can do nothing but the treadmill. So I get really crazy and put it at an incline. Woo. Hoo. Now we're talkin'.    
  Not really.
  Pole is my workout of choice, my passion, my heart's desire... and it is forbidden for the time being. My chiro actually showed frustration when I told him about the pole kicks I was working on. "You're kicking my work right out of place. You're not going to improve if you keep doing this." GAH! FINE! 

  Now, I've been doing cardio solidly 4-5 days per week for the last two weeks, and guess what?! 
  Just as I was ready to rip my hair out, I powowed with my chiro about it, to which he pointed out cutting out simple carbs as a simple way to get the weight down.

  Well, shoot. He had something there. So I talked to my husband and we'll both be eating low glycemic and cutting simple carbs out. I'm actually thrilled at the prospect of my husband joining me on this journey. We'll be setting a date and a goal plan. I'm really looking forward to it.

  When I was eating low glycemic/low carb before, I dripped off seven pounds like nothing. Why I didn't stick with it, I couldn't tell you. Lack of self control? Distractions? Not a strong enough "why?"

  The bottom line is, though, that this is a journey and no one can take it for you. There is no magic pill, magic anything, that can get you into shape and living the healthy life you want. You must choose. You must get off your ass. You must take the steps necessary. You must choose between a burger and a salad. I know! Isn't it hard? But worth it, right? So worth it. 

  I have 57 pounds to lose by my birthday. It's completely doable. Let the journey begin.




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